Experience the Stretch Chi Difference

Watch and see the transformative impact of our method

Meet Your Instructor

Ki-Hara Master Trainer and Certification Instructor Carrie Collins

Hi, I'm Carrie Collins, a certified resistance stretching instructor and founder of Stretch Chi. I'm passionate about helping people unlock their full potential and achieve optimal health and wellness through the transformative power of resistance stretching. My journey to becoming a resistance stretching instructor began when I was searching for ways to heal my own body of chronic pain and limited mobility due to years as a classical pianist. I discovered resistance stretching and was amazed at how quickly and effectively it helped me regain my strength, flexibility, and vitality. Since then, I've dedicated my life to sharing this incredible technique with others. As an instructor, I strive to create a supportive and nurturing environment where students feel empowered to explore their bodies and reach new levels of physical and mental wellbeing. Whether you're an athlete, a weekend warrior, or simply someone who wants to feel better in their own skin, I believe that resistance stretching can help you achieve your goals and live your best life.

Discover the power of resistance stretching and unlock your body's potential

Benefits of Stretch Chi 101

  • Increase mobility and flexibility

  • Reduce muscle tension and stiffness

  • Boost overall strength and conditioning

  • Experience greater mind-body connection

  • Improve energy levels and vitality

  • Unlock new levels of performance and athletic ability

  • Develop a deeper understanding of your body and its needs

  • Receive personalized guidance and support from a certified instructor

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to Stretch Chi 101: Course Overview and Expectations

    2. Week 1 Lesson: Goal-Setting for Success and Pre-Workout Prep

    3. Week 1 Workout: Maximize Your Chest and Shoulder Mobility for Optimal Living

    4. Week 2 Lesson: Immune System Strengthening and Pre-Workout Prep

    5. Week 2 Workout: Mindfully Moving with Grace [Deltoids and Neck]

    6. Week 3 Lesson: Unleashing Your Authentic Self and Pre-Workout Prep

    7. Week 3 Workout: Moving with Confidence and Ease [Trapezius]

    8. Week 4 Lesson: Heart Chakra Opening and Pre-Workout Prep

    9. Week 4 Workout: Joyfully Moving with Love [Chest Focus]

    1. Week 5 Lesson: Digestion Improvement and Pre-Workout Prep

    2. Week 5 Workout: Mindfully Moving with Strength [Quad Focus]

    3. Week 6 Lesson: Hormone Regulation and Pre-Workout Prep

    4. Week 6 Workout: Moving with Flexibility and Strength [Groin Focus]

    5. Week 7 Lesson: Getting Unstuck and Pre-Workout Prep

    6. Week 7 Workout: Joyfully Moving with Release [Glute and Hip Focus]

    7. Week 8 Lesson: Brain Health and Pre-Workout Prep

    8. Week 8 Workout: Mindfully Moving with Purpose [Hamstring and Posterior Chain Focus]

    1. Week 9 Lesson: Posture Improvement and Pre-Workout Prep

    2. Week 9 Workout: Moving with Grace and Confidence [Hip Flexor Focus]

    3. Week 10 Lesson: Forgiveness and Pre-Workout Prep

    4. Week 10 Workout: Mindfully Moving with Love [Adductor Focus]

    5. Week 11 Lesson: Creativity Jumpstart and Pre-Workout Prep

    6. Week 11 Workout: Moving with Joy and Creativity [Rotator Cuff Focus]

    7. Week 12 Lesson: Dance Like Nobody's Watching and Pre-Workout Prep

    8. Week 12 Workout: Moving with Energy and Vitality [Low Back Pain Focus]

    1. Week 13 Lesson: Overcoming Sluggishness and Pre-Workout Prep

    2. Week 13 Workout: Moving with Sweetness and Strength [Medial Hamstring Focus]

    3. Week 14 Lesson: Taking What You Need and Pre-Workout Prep

    4. Week 14 Workout: Moving with Power and Freedom [Back of the Shoulder Focus]

    5. Week 15 Lesson: Calming the Mind and Pre-Workout Prep

    6. Week 15 Workout: Moving with Relaxation and Ease [Lats Focus]

    7. Week 16 Lesson: Circulating Love and Joy and Pre-Workout Prep

    8. Week 16 Workout: Moving with Love and Appreciation [Pec Minor Focus]

About this course

  • $129.00
  • 33 lessons
  • 9.5 hours of video content

Success Story from our Students

Discover How Stretch Chi 101 has transformed the lives of our learners

Embracing Flexibility: A Journey from Stretching Aversion to Renewed Movement

by Jen Collins Moore

Stretch Chi 101 has changed the way I move. I've always hated stretching, so avoided it, but over time my body became tight, affecting how I ran and how I felt day to day. I knew I had to do something about it and asked for advice on the most efficient way to learn to stretch. A friend recommended Carrie and Stretch Chi, and I'm so glad that she did. Stretching is now the part of my exercise routine that I look forward to most. My tightness is gone and I'm moving in a way I didn't know I had been missing. At a recent doctor's appointment, my height had actually increased, which I have to attribute to stretching! Carrie's energy and enthusiasm make the sessions a joy, and her down-to-earth, come as you are attitude make me feel like I'm being successful, no matter how my body is moving that day. I've accomplished my goals and more, and know that I'll be sticking with this program for a long time to come.

Revolutionizing Body Health: A Massage Therapist's Journey to Pain Relief and Enhanced Mobility

by Heather Godmar

Stretch Chi 101 literally changed my life! As a massage therapist, I am always looking for ways to keep my body and those of my clients in working order and this is one of the best programs I have found for that. My body was failing hard because of misuse and for a time underuse because I also had a desk job. I knew I needed to do something if I wanted to continue working as a therapist but I always ended up hurting myself when I tried a new exercise program on my own, resistance stretching included actually. So when the 101 program became available I was so excited because I knew I needed this structured class to learn step by step how to do the stretches properly and avoid injury. I worked out 2-3 times a week and by the end of the 16 weeks, my body was drastically different. I re-gained the mobility in my right shoulder to be able to reach behind my back again. I healed my wrists and forearms which gave me the ability to apply body weight on my bent wrists while doing floor exercises like push-ups or downward facing dog. And the SI joint pain I had while lying on my stomach was eliminated because the muscles and connective tissue around my hips became balanced, which allowed the bones to articulate and move properly. The program does start off a little slow because it's designed to ease your body in and progress up to a full body stretch routine. And I have to admit it was a little difficult at first for me to maintain motivation to keep going because I was so excited to change my body that I wanted to do all of it all at once. But I learned this kind of change takes time and you're more likely to get hurt and take two steps back if you push too hard. The phrase "no pain, no gain" has no place here. I love that the program is easy to access online. I just created a bookmark link on my internet browser to get to the log in page and it was right there ready to go. The content is organized well and Carrie does a great job instructing in the videos. She tells you what to do, what you should feel, where you should feel it, how to make modifications if you need to and how to keep from injuring yourself. It's like you're with her in person. She's also readily available through email if you have questions and loves interacting with the Stretch Chi community on the message board. I felt very supported throughout. Overall Stretch Chi 101 has given me freedom of movement, pain relief and body awareness. I learned that the path to having the best musculoskeletal health is to keep your muscles and connective tissue equally strong and flexible, which is what this program is all about. I highly recommend this program to others who may be experiencing the same need to improve their movement, reduce pain, and heal injuries so they can continue doing the things they want to do. It's a simple (but not necessarily easy) and effective way to make lasting changes in your body. The return on investment for my time and money has been tenfold and I encourage others to make the same investment for themselves.

Unlock Your Potential

Boost Your Flexibility, Strength, and Balance Today with our Stretch Chi 101 Online Course